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Ian Taylor

Mortgage Broker

Renewing your mortgage is a significant milestone in your homeownership journey. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned homeowner, understanding the ins and outs of mortgage renewal is essential for making informed decisions about your financial future. In this guide, we'll break down everything you need to know about mortgage renewal, from the basics to advanced strategies.

At the end of each mortgage term, which typically ranges from a few months to several years, you have the option to renew your mortgage. This process involves renegotiating the terms of your existing mortgage contract with your lender, or other lenders. It's an opportunity to review your financial situation, adjust your mortgage terms, and explore new options that align with your goals.

**Receiving Your Renewal Statement

Your lender is required to provide you with a renewal statement at least 21 days before your current mortgage term ends. This statement contains crucial details such as your remaining balance, interest rate, payment frequency, and any associated fees. Take the time to review this document carefully and consider your options before making a decision.

**Reviewing Your Mortgage Needs

Mortgage renewal is an ideal time to reassess your financial goals and review your mortgage and financial needs. Consider factors such as your budget, payment preferences, and any changes in your financial situation. Determine whether you want to increase your payments, change your payment frequency, or explore debt consolidation options.

**Shopping Around for Better Rates

Don't be afraid to shop around for better mortgage rates, even if you're happy with your current lender. Start the process a few months before your renewal date to give yourself ample time to explore different options. Negotiate with your current lender and compare offers from other financial institutions to ensure you're getting the best possible deal.

 **Switching Lenders

Switching lenders is an option worth considering if you want to search for a better deal. When considering switching, arm yourself with this information: the associated costs - such as setup fees, appraisal fees, and mortgage insurance premiums. Understand whether your mortgage is a standard charge or a collateral charge, as this can affect the transfer process.


Mortgage renewal is an important step in managing your finances and securing your home. By understanding the renewal process and exploring your options, you can make informed decisions that benefit your financial future. Whether you choose to renew with your current lender or switch to a new one, take the time to review your needs and negotiate the best possible terms. A Mortgage Broker will have multiple options and should walk you through what is best for your situation. 

Remember, THIS IS YOUR MONEY & THERE ARE OPTIONS OUT THERE!! It's essential to approach renewal with careful consideration and planning.

**Contact Me

If you have any questions or need assistance with your mortgage renewal, don't hesitate to reach out! Me and my team can provide personalized advice and guidance Taylored to your unique situation.

Me and my team at TMG/Maxx Mortgages are here to support you every step of the way on your homeownership journey. Contact us today to learn more about mortgage renewals and how we can help you achieve your financial goals.

Ian Taylor / Mortgage Broker / 250.888.0194 / ian.taylor@mortgagegroup.com
